Meet The Team

Executive Team


She / Her

Chief Executive Officer

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

When people are determined, they can overcome anything.

My Skills

"My professional background is that of a qualified therapist of 30 years and personal development coach of 20 years.
I have extensive skills and experience in executive management, organisational leadership, strategic development and policy review.
I have experience of Trustee Board membership of various organisations including that of management committees.
My skills and experience also include professional and personal life coaching."


She / Her

Senior Strategy and Operations Manager

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

"Get good sleep and don’t look at phones before bedtime
Connect with others who make you feel good about yourself
Live a healthy life style get out doors and enjoy nature
Be kind to yourself do something nice for yourself every day "

My Skills

"Professional background is Youth and Community Work for over 20 years frontline working with children and young people from ages 2 to 25 years.

For past 12 years I have worked in management and leadership. . I have qualified as an Executive Coach. My role is now developing the future mental health workforce.

My passion is designing services with children and young people and ensuring their voices are heard and services meet their need. "

Senior Management Team


She / Her

Youth Information & Counselling (YIAC) Development Manager/ Strategic Lead – Mental Health Support Team

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Do something each day that makes you happy

My Skills

I trained as a probation officer in 2009 and supported young adults in a variety of settings to reach their full potential. I started working for YPAS in 2016 to help develop and open the North Community Hub. I am passionate about participation and ensuring that services are created in response to the wishes of children, young people and their families.


She / Her

YIAC Therapeutic Services Development Manager

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.

My Skills

After completing my psychology degree and therapeutic training I quickly realized I wanted to work with Children and Young People and 13 years later I still am! Predominantly working within Education and Community based settings as a children & young people’s therapist across the Northwest. I joined YPAS in 2016 on the Seedlings Project progressing into our Senior Leadership team this year and have never looked back since..

Leadership Team


She / Her

Administration Service Coordinator

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

"Do your best and know that doing your best will mean different things on different days.

Set healthy boundaries, make time for activities that you enjoy, and ask for help when you need it."

My Skills

"Within my job as Administration service coordinator, I work in collaboration with the Admin Service team leads to ensure administration services are delivered effectively across YPAS.
Such as ensuring we have consistent reception cover across our three community hubs, providing a warm welcome to all children, young people and families who access our services, processing all incoming referrals, ensuring our service users receive the right support in a timely manner, and monitor internal and external referral pathways within YPAS, to ensure they meet the needs of our service users."


Wellbeing Lead

Amy C

She / Her

Primary Care Liaison Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“When a flower doesn’t grow, you fix the environment in which the flower grows and not the flower”.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Other than talking to others around you, relaxation and mindfulness can be really helpful!

My Skills

Currently working in YPAS as a CYWP trainee, in the past, I have worked in social care, youth and acute mental health settings. I have a degree in Psychology and a MA in Interdisciplinary Psychology.


She / Her

Seedlings Service Coordinator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"You’re off to great places!
Today is your day!
You’re mountain is waiting, so…. Get on your way!"

My Skills

"I am an experiential person-centered therapist who uses an integrative approach working with primary aged school children across Liverpool

In sessions with children, we will use a variety of resources depending on what the child would like to work to help with the issues they present with.

Intervention can range from art and crafts, puppets, games, clay, stories, movement, and music. As well as talking therapy, psychoeducation, and reflectivity.

We work in a very collaborative way and in which the child will find empowerment, understanding and work towards goals.

We also work with parents, carers, schools, and the wider partnership to support the therapy for a more wrap around wider service.


He / Him

Wellbeing Service Coordinator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Life is a journey, not a destination.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Get out of the city!

My Skills

Registered social worker.

Claire W

She / Her

Wellbeing Service Coordinator / Clinical Lead - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

It always seems impossible until it is done

My Skills

"I work as a youth justice information advice and guidance practitioner.
My role is to provide practical support to help prevent and reduce the risk to those young people who may become involved in anti-social or criminal activity or who may be vulnerable to exploitation.
This may include helping young people access activities, housing, benefits, education, training or employment or sometimes just being a friendly face to talk things through with.
I really enjoy my role as every day is different. Each young person is unique with their own experiences, needs and expectations. The young people I work with keep me challenged and motivated and I feel lucky to be able to support them as they grow, develop and fulfil their potential."


She / Her

Primary Care Liaison Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

But I can’t go back to yesterday, I was a different person then

My Skills

"I’ve been at YPAS for the last 2 and a half years, I started as an IAG worker, providing mental health support to pupils as part of our secondary school wellbeing clinics and I am trained in interpersonal psychotherapy, for adolescents who struggle with low mood. I am also the South Hub Team Lead so can often been found pottering around the hub making sure everything is working well.

I am passionate about self-care and kindness and like to encourage this in all my sessions with young people. My favourite way to self-care is spending time with my dogs! "


She / Her

Seedlings Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen

My Skills

"Drama therapist with a passion for arts, supporting others and bringing about positive change.
Achieved a Masters in Drama Therapy from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa.
Her experience involves working with young people in youth and educational settings both locally and internationally. "

Jennifer H

She / Her

Therapy Service Coordinator

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Keep connected with friends and loved ones, allow them to support you if you need it and don’t think of yourself as weak or a burden. Friends and family can help you feel included and cared for and can offer different views to various problems.

My Skills

I have over 17 years’ experience working with children and young people in various roles ranging from being a youth worker, teacher and most recently a Play Therapist. I am friendly and approachable and believe that every child should have the chance to thrive and achieve their potential and feel privileged to help support them on their journey.


She / Her

Central Hub Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"I am and always will be good enough, smart enough, and strong enough!

Stay unique and love all your imperfections!"

My Skills

I am non-judgmental, open minded, and understanding to everyone’s uniqueness. I have superb listening ears and have a passion for supporting individuals to recognize their strengths and apply self-care in order to start their self-love journey.

Hannah C

She / Her

Administration Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

A tame horse never made a skilled cowboy.

My Skills

I moved over from the United States in 2017 with a background in funeral services and joined YPAS in 2021. I recently stepped up from the Admin/Reception team into a leadership position, overseeing the Administration and Clinical MHST teams. I look forward to ensuring all of our Children and Young People experience a smooth journey into our service and aim to bring a kind and patient voice to our front offices.


She / Her

Therapy Team Lead 

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am enough

My Skills

"I have trained and worked as a therapist for many years.
My aim is to bring this experience into our sessions and be able to support you on your journey and help you reach your potential and achieve your goals. "

Joanne F

She / Her

Senior Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

My Skills

My role at YPAS is to give practical support to Parents with issues such as finance, housing and mental health, so that they can be in the best position to support their children and young people. I also deliver training courses to give parents ideas with how to help their children to be resilient, understand and manage their emotions and cope with any challenges they face. I am trained to deliver evidence based psychological therapies and have a special interest in SEND. I enjoy reading and music and like to be creative in my work.

Joanne R

She / Her

South Hub Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass …
Its about learning to dance in the rain"

My Skills

I am a children’s psychological therapists in YPAS, this is using a creative therapy approach. I work in an integrative way; this allows the Child or young person to explore and achieve their goals. The sessions also allow them to be heard feel empowered and develop their own uniqueness. I can also work with the whole family within the sessions, looking at communication understanding within the family structure and help them create a better environment at home, this allow everyone’s voice to be heard. I feel it is important to recognize positive changes and build on strengths they already have.

Joanne S

She / Her

Therapy Team Lead

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Try to spend some quality time outdoors/in nature every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

My Skills

I am a Counsellor, and Children’s Psychological Therapist, who joined YPAS in 2019. Before this I worked in a special provision for children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties for over 20 years, in a variety of caring, supporting and therapeutic roles. I also have experience of being a foster carer for numerous children and young people. When I came to YPAS my role was providing therapy to Looked After Children. I joined the Seedlings team in June 2020, and became a Team Lead in July 2021.


He / Him

Quality Assurance Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

today is going to be a great day

My Skills

"I been working at YPAS within the administration department since 2013, during this time I seen/ been a part of the YPAS journey.

YPAS has grown so much in these years, to fill the much-needed services for Young People mental health alongside the CAMHS partnership. During my time YPAS has made mental health services more accessible to young people by opening additional hubs, having service delivery within schools, building up connections to GPs and more.

As part of the administrative team, I might be one of your first contact into the service via phone, email or walking in. "


She / Her

Central Hub Team Lead

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

My top tip is keeping a gratitude/happiness journal, each day you can fill in at least one good thing or put in a picture that happened and look back at it if your ever feeling sad!

My Skills

I am a qualified social worker and have previous background in working in various mental health support/youth work jobs for young people, I’ve always found the most meaningful intervention comes from the valuable face to face time with children, that’s why I have came to YPAS ?


He / Him

Data Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I intend to make my wishes come true

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Always put yourself first and do things that are important to ‘YOU!’ not others around you.

My Skills

"I have built up skills within my previous role as a CYWP, supporting children, young people and families with mental health. This has then further supported me in my current role as a data officer.

I see myself as a data nerd and advocate, I love data and anything that involves computers. I have studied computers, animation, graphics design and a lot more for longer than I can count on one finger.

I will never fail to let a computer beat me and will always do what I can to overcome challenges that come my way.

Data Officer – Over and Out."

Laura D

She / Her

Parenting Team Lead

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself

My Skills

I have worked with children, young people and families for over 12 years. I am a qualified social worker and began my career working in nurseries and have worked in a variety of roles and settings following this. Throughout my career I have promoted child development and provided emotional and practical support on a 1:1 basis and I am also trained to deliver evidence-based group parenting programmes. I am passionate about empowering those I support and working with them to make a positive difference.

Laura Sl

Clinical Administration Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

My Skills

I am a Clinical Administrator, working to ensure Children and Young People can access our services to get the support they need. I am constantly learning new skills and developing my current ones here at YPAS.

Lisa Cu

HR Manager

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am not pushed by my problems I am led by my dreams.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Being amongst nature relaxes me and helps me to let go of what I can’t control.

My Skills

I have been a HR professional for over ten years and have spent 21 years of my working life in prisons.


She / Her


My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Unfollow anyone on social media that makes you feel bad about yourself. It is very liberating…try it!

My Skills

"I have had the absolute privilege of working with young people for the last 10 years and have experience of working in alternative education provisions, sexual health and with LGBT+ young people. Currently I am training to be a low-intensity therapist at YPAS.
I truly believe in young people and hope to support you by bringing warmth, openness, and kindness to our sessions. I am a great motivator so any goals you want to work on, I will back you!"


Wellbeing Student placement lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

It is what it is.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Drink more water!

My Skills

Drama and performing arts trained. Qualified Youth Worker. Low Intensity therapist.


She / Her

Marketing & Communications Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Life’s too short

My Skills

My background is from corporate business.

Since gaining qualifications in social media and digital marketing I joined the team 2 years ago. I further developed my skills stepping up from Assistant to Officer. I will continue to always increase the profile of YPAS through our social media and marketing.


She / Her

Therapy Placement Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

With hardship there is ease

My Skills

I am a creative person-centered experiential therapist. I provide a safe and child-led therapeutic space for children. This is to help them to express and share their significant experiences and complex emotions. Additionally, I support trainee therapists who are on placement to ensure that they receive a high-quality, positive, and supportive clinical learning experience.

Paula C

She / Her

North Hub Team Lead

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Be kind to yourself and others and always make sure you are getting plenty of Self Care

My Skills

My Professional background is Youth Work and my passion is working with Children, young people and Families, I love meeting new people and hearing about their journeys, I think its really important to create a safe and welcoming space when meeting new people and being that listening ear, during my 7 years at YPAS I have worked across all of our 3 hubs and delivered groups for young people to attend such as SKY, GYRO, ACTION YOUTH & SMARTY'S, this has been an amazing experience and I have loved providing all our young people with a safe space to talk and be listened too, this is really important to me. Over the last 3 years I have worked on our Amazing Parenting team and I have loved supporting Parents with one to one support and Parent Coffee Events and Programmes, these programmes have supported parents greatly with behaviour difficulties and also Mental Health and Wellbeing.


She / Her

Wellbeing Service Coordinator

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Put your own oxygen mask on before you put on others

My Skills

"I qualified in social work in 2011 where my YPAS journey began working in the drop in service supporting young people for a number of years
Since then I returned to training on cypiapt parenting for conduct disorders. In 2014 and have ran many parenting programmes since this date
I have also trained in clinical supervision in 2016 and deliver this to parenting team members "


She / Her

Participation Coordinator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“trust the magic within you, you have the power to create change!”

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Treat yourself with kindness, every day.

My Skills

I am a registered Social Worker. I work within a rights based approach to ensure that young people have a say in all issues that affect them and support young people to influence and improve services and provision locally, regionally and nationally.


She / Her

Seedlings Team Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“If you LOVE your job, you’ll never work a day in your life”

My Skills

I graduated from Edge Hill University in 2015 with a degree in Psychology. I then completed a Masters degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy a few years later. I have had experience working with young people since 2017 and I look forward to many more years!

Laura S

Seedlings Team Lead

Ceri T

She / Her

Wellbeing Clinic Lead

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Everyday is a fresh start for something new.

My Skills

I was a Primary School Teacher for 18 years before joining YPAS. I loved and still love working with children and young people. I’m always ready to listen, to help and bring a friendly face to every situation. I understand that it is important to make everyone feel valued, listened to and safe and will always try my best to achieve this ?

Administration and Finance Team


Receptionist / Administrator

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Surrounding myself with people who love and support me unconditionally.

My Skills

Football fanatic, Karate champion

Amy H

Receptionist / Administrator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

What is meant for me will not pass me by.

My Skills

I work on reception and administration in the north hub. I have a background in retail so I am looking forward to taking on a new challenge and developing my skills at YPAS.


She / Her

Finance Manager

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am resilient and can get through anything.

My Skills

I have worked at YPAS since 2013, starting as an apprentice Receptionist / Admin Assistant. I enjoy working with numbers and like how varied my job can be.


Clinical Administrator


Marketing & Communications Officer

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Find joy no matter what season you're living through.

My Skills

Marketing and Communications Specialist with 5+ years of experience building brands, engaging audiences and storytelling.

I am passionate about communication and marketing and have successfully contributed to the
growth and success of various organisations. I am a multi-skilled and accomplished professional with a proven track record as a versatile media, marketing, and communications specialist, I am proficient in using Adobe Premier Pro, Audition, and InDesign.

I have been active within the broadcast and digital media industry for the past 10 years, working across TV, radio, business, podcasts, and social media.

I am particularly passionate about audio, video and creating content that can inspire, educate and entertain.


She / Her


My Favourite Positive Affirmation

The smallest of positive thinking can make the biggest positive outcomes in your life.

My Skills

I work in the Reception at North hub in the evenings and Central on Saturdays so I will be your first smiley hello . I am responsible for booking appointments for practitioners when needed, Answering phone calls and emails, making sure messages are passed on and any other help I can give.

Danielle L

MHST Clinical Administrator

Jenny C

She / Her

Clinical Administrator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Don’t let a bad moment ruin your day, think of it as a bad minute not a bad day and you will be ok.

My Skills

"BA children and Family
Qualified CYWP
Qualified DBT Skills

Worked in primary schools in several roles ranging from dinner lady, learning support assistant and Behaviour support assistant.

Following qualifying in my BA I acquired a role with Team around the Family, initially working as a family support worker then moving on to being a Team around the Family coordinator.

Experience working with Child Adolescence Mental health services, Adult Mental Health services, housing, Domestic violence services, drug and alcohol, social services."


She / Her

MHST Clinical Administrator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I focus on what I can control and I let go of what I can’t.

My Skills

I am a clinical administrator and part of the Mental Health Support Team which is school-based and sits within CAMHS and YPAS. My future dream is to be a therapist and work with primary school-aged children. I am very passionate about mental health, I love the service I work for and the opportunities I am lucky enough to be given within YPAS.

Lisa S

Receptionist / Admin Assistant

Maria M

Clinical Administrator

Niamh W

She / Her

MHST Clinical Administrator

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Who you are inside, is what helps you to achieve everything in life

My Skills

I work as part of MHST as a Clinical Administrator. I work alongside YPAS and Alder Hey CAMHS, to ensure young people and children access the correct service within the partnership. Our team attends triage meetings, processes referrals and liaises with parents and SENCOs to ensure young people have a smooth journey whilst seeking support.

Natalie J

Marketing & Communications Officer

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.

My Skills

Presently, I am part of the Marketing & Communications team. We are responsible for managing YPAS social media content, website updates, offline promotional material, organising fundraising events, newsletters, networking and PR.

I am incredibly passionate about marketing and communications because it gives me the capacity to positively impact many individuals by raising awareness, providing insight, and offering the tools they may need to progress.


IT / Data Assistant


Receptionist and Admin Assistant

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am becoming the best version of myself.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Talk to someone you trust for support.

Many of us have learned to bottle things up inside us and try to ignore painful feelings. It can take a lot of courage to tell someone else how we’re feeling or what we’re finding hard, especially if we don’t usually do that kind of thing.

My Skills

I work on reception as evening staff in South Hub.
I enjoy my work very much as I get to help everyone from the young people, families and the staff within the hub.
My previous job I was a receptionist. I’m excited to develop my skills in YPAS also to learn new skills.


Receptionist and Admin Assistant

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Use a jar and write down your thoughts/feelings during the day. Write your thought, fold it up and then write either ‘keep’ to keep that happy thought or ‘work on’ to explore those thought and feelings. You then have a jar with all your happy memories and those you have worked through. Then you can put these in a scrapbook, bin the ones you don’t need anymore and even pin them up somewhere you can refer to or just keep them in the jar to look back at.

My Skills

• Government administration
• Educational Health and Care Plans (EHCP) caseworker assistant
• Disability charity
• Mix of retail and working directly with children and young people in educational setting

Therapy Team


children & Young Person’s Therapist


Children's Psychological Therapist

Anna JT

Children's Psychological Therapist


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

We already have the strengths to make things better.

My Skills

"I have been working with children, young people and their parents in a school setting since 2009, my role was mostly therapeutic. Upon moving to the UK I took a role of a Psychological Therapist for children and adults of various cultural backgrounds, some of them have experienced traumatic events in the past. Currently I am training to become a Systemic Family Therapist so that I can work with families, see what is happening for the clients in a broader context and help people find ways to move forward.

My approach is respectful, non-judgemental and collaborative. I’m here not to tell what people should do – I’m here to help find the right solutions together. "


She / Her

Children’s Psychological Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am then I can change


Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You are worthy. You deserve to take up space. You are capable. You are enough.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Breathe, meditate, come back to your body. Check in with yourself to find the calm, then go forward from there.

My Skills

I began exploring my professional self through creativity, contemporary theatre performance making and teaching, then refined these skills during my MSc where I trained as a Creative, Person-Centered Therapist. This modality aims to support each individual’s process of exploration with their self-expression, stress management, personal development, self-awareness and interpersonal skills; as the expert of their own life.

Claire D

She / Her

Children & Young Person Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf

My Skills

I am one of the therapists at YPAS, working with young people aged 11-25. I am work in an integrative way to allow sessions to be shaped around the person that I am working with. I encourage young people to express themselves in ways that they are comfortable with and often work with art materials and resources. The aim of sessions is to provide a safe space for a young person to explore themselves. This may include identifying and regulating emotions, impact of life experiences, relationships and anything else that may be impacting on a young person’s mental health.


Children & Young Person's Therapist


Children's Psychological Therapist

Ellie D

Children’s Psychological Therapist

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Mindful drawing in nature is my favorite way to regulate and find calm.

My Skills

Trained in Art Psychotherapy, I have lots of experience in working with children in a dynamic creative sense. Worked in different contexts with children and young people with the aim of uplifting their potential through creative expression.


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

The things that make me different are the things that make me .

My Skills

"I’ve always had an interest in supporting people and I’m currently studying to become a therapist.
Before joining YPAS I’ve worked in different roles such as student advice, working in a children’s home and volunteering for different charities offering one to one support."

Ellie R

Systemic Family Practitioner (Trainee)

Emma C

She / Her

Children’s Psychological Therapist

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Laughter is the best weapon against fear

My Skills

"I am trained in person-centred therapy and creative methods, this means that I believe you know what’s best for you, and if you want to explore your emotions through art, music, drama, then let’s do that!
I have experience working with bereavement, grief, depression and anxiety."

Faye H

Children's Psychological Therapist


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

’Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments which take our breath away

My Skills

I have worked at YPAS since I qualified as a therapist and love working with children and young people-they give me hope that change is possible. I am person centered trained but have learnt other skills such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and am currently training in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and I use creative therapies. These all add to my toolbox of resources for helping my clients and to work with them as a unique individual with different needs and complexities.

Jenny B

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

First love yourself. Growth starts within.

My Skills

Hi, I am a person-centered therapist at YPAS and work with Children and Young people aged 11-25. I offer a safe space, free from judgement, where you are heard, and you can be yourself, to process your thoughts and feelings though the support of a trusting therapeutic relationship. I aim to explore with you your presenting issues, to promote and enable you to work towards your goals and towards a healthier wellbeing, with better ways of coping.


Children & Young Person's Therapist


He / Him

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You are not a failure if you don’t succeed, you’re a success because you tried

My Skills

I have been a fully qualified Counsellor for 23 years. My foundation Is in person centered but I am now an integrative therapist. Therapy Specialism include addictions, bereavement, Trauma, anger management, Self-harm, and on-line therapy. My aim is to support young people 11-25 to get the best out of their therapy as they can and become the person they want to be.


Children & Young Person's Therapist


She / Her

Children’s Psychological Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine

My Skills

My professional background was rooted in Education. I was an Art teacher for many years in a wide range of settings and could recognize the therapeutic value in art making – which eventually led me to become an Art therapist. I am now a Seedlings practitioner and this role allows me to bring all of my professional skills and attributes to the service. Working with children and young people in this capacity is a privilege.

Kim G

Trainee IPT-A Practitioner

Laura C

Children & Young Person's Therapist

Lauren Mar

Children and Young Person’s Therapist


He / Him

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

We all grow in different ways and at different times, try not to use other people as a benchmark for who you are and the person you are becoming. The past is a frame of reference not of residence and you will bloom if you take the time to water yourself.

My Skills

I have nine years of experience working with children/young people of all ages in facilitating an environment of compassion, growth and understanding.


Children & Young Person's Therapist

Lisa C

She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it

My Skills

I have worked as a Dramatherapist with children and young people for over 10 years. I am currently training in Interpersonal Therapy here at YPAS and I am truly in awe of all the young people I get to work with. Their imaginations, commitment and willingness to work incredibly hard on their journey to know themselves better, is a privilege to be alongside.

Liz L

Trainee IPT-A Practitioner

Lucy G

Children's Psychological Therapist


Children & Young Persons Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Live in such a way that that you would live the same life eternally

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Enjoy what you do, develop meaningful relationships and exercise

My Skills

As a person-centered therapist I want to create a secure environment where young people can freely explore their emotions without fear of being judged. I have a keen interest in how to provide effective and accessible therapy to those involved with the judicial system, which is something I focused upon whilst studying for my degree. Prior to moving to YPAS, I worked with young people in a school setting for the majority of my counselling experience. Within my approach, I aim to focus on how we can take responsibility of our choices and actions to change our environment, feelings and enjoy a more fulfilling life.


Children's Psychological Therapist


Systemic Family Practitioner (Trainee)


She / Her

Children's Psychological Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"What do we do when our hearts hurt?” asked the boy.
“We wrap them with friendship, shared tears and time till they wake hopeful and happy again.”"

My Skills

In my therapy sessions with children and young people, I help them to express their feelings by talking or creatively through play and arts. I also provide interventions that can help children and young people to manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave. Once a little person said this about me, ‘This is Marina she is not a beach, but she does carry the sand.’


CBT Trainee


He / Him

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Try new things. Join clubs, groups and societies, try out new hobbies, do sports, get creative, explore, experiment and play. Recovery and healing look different to each of us. You may find it in places you wouldn’t have expected

My Skills

I am a HCPC registered Art Therapist. I use a creative approach to help young people to find ways to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences in ways that feel safe for them. Since being at YPAS, I have gained further training in EMDR therapy and DBT. I integrate these modalities within my creative work with young people, to help them to process difficult experiences and develop skills in regulating emotions and improving relationships. Outside of YPAS, I am part of the Radical Therapist Network, which seeks to challenge and dismantle forms of oppression in all its forms.

Phil C

Children & Young Person’s Therapist


She / Her

Children’s Psychological Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation


My Skills

As an integrative counsellor, my work with children and young people will differ for each child. Children will have a safe space to explore their feelings, tell their story and find a way to cope with their problems. This means we may talk, play or use our imagination to create stories. We may draw, craft and get a little messy; whatever feels safe, right and works for you.

Sonia C

She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves

My Skills

I’m a Person-Centred therapist working with young people aged 11-25 years and supporting them with whatever problems they want to talk about. Sessions are led by the client and I help to build self-awareness through exploring feelings, beliefs, behaviour and worldview. I have recently learned a therapeutic approach for supporting teenagers struggling with depression, called Interpersonal Therapy. I have been a therapist for 10 years and joined YPAS in 2018. I love the variety that my job brings and enjoy ‘walking the road’ with each and every client. Outside of YPAS I am passionate about music, dance, drama and live performance.


He / Him

Children's Psychological Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"Hope is just around the corner
Which corner?
Every corner."

My Skills

I am a qualified Art Therapist and Systemic Family practitioner. I have been a member of the Seedlings team at YPAS for the past six years working in primary schools. I am extremely passionate about working with families and I like to combine my creative ways of working with individual and systemic approaches to supporting mental health and well being.

Suzanne R

Children & Young Persons Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“If you always do as you always did, you will always get what you always got.”

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

If you try a new skill or habit, try it repeatedly before ruling it out and trying the next one.

My Skills

I am a Person-Centred counsellor who works integratively by combining skills from other disciplines, such as, CBT, DBT, Solution Focused and creative skills. I adapt each session to the need of the child or young person, so whether you want your session to be more talking based, skills based or creative, our sessions may look different. I previously worked for Barnardo’s as a Children and Young Person’s counsellor too. I also have experience counselling adults in charity settings, EAP’s and privately. I am also a qualified Clinical Supervisor.


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I am brave, I can, and I will

My Skills

I am a fully qualified and experience person- centred counsellor, providing one-to-one support to children and young people with a space to talk about their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. My journey as a counsellor began working in the voluntary sector at schools and I have gained the training to offer a blend of diverse skills that Is based through talking, creative work and therapeutic play.


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.

My Skills

My main modality is Art therapy which aims to support the young person or child to engage in the creative process which allows for artistic self-expression that can help individuals communicate, solve conflicts, manage behaviour, improve self-esteem, develop self-awareness and insight, manage stress, and develop interpersonal skills, within the frame of trauma informed practice. Trauma-informed is about supporting people to feel safe enough in their interactions with services to build trust, and to help people overcome any barriers to an effective therapeutic relationship. I love working with diverse populations of all ages and backgrounds. I am also a qualified EMDR therapist and have DBT skills.


She / Her

Children & Young Person's Therapist

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

"Life is like a camera
Just focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop from the negatives
And if things don’t turn out
Take another shot! "

My Skills

"Hi ? I am Zena.
I have been a therapist at YPAS for 9+ years. I love working alongside children young people and families.
I work in lots of different ways to help them to move forward with their goals, helping them to feel better.
Most of the issues that my clients choose to work on are, anxiety, low mood, behaviour, and communication. However, you are the boss! you decide what you want us to work on together.

I believe that everyone is unique and has the potential to change if they want to and are given the opportunity to do so."

Wellbeing Team

Amy Co

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Kindness always makes a difference!

My Skills

I have a BSc Hons undergraduate degree in Childhood & Youth and Early Childhood and have 4 years’ experience working with children, young people, and families. Within those 4 years I have worked with a variety of ages ranging from 0-25 years. Supporting children and young people’s wellbeing is something I am very passionate about and enjoy watching people flourish.

Amy G

She / Her

Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You cannot stop the waves but you can learn how to surf

My Skills

Hi, I am Amy, a Wellbeing Practitioner and trainee IPT-A therapist. I work with young people both in school and in the community. I have worked with young adults in education and therapeutic settings for over 13 years and I love what I do. I work alongside young people and families. We work together to look at what we can do to improve relationships. We learn strategies and identify healthy routines that allow young people to feel better in themselves. We work together to identify strengths and take small steps that can lead to big changes.

Amy N

CYWP Trainee

Anna T

Associate Psychological Practitioner.


Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Expect nothing and appreciate everything’.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

My top tip is to connect and communicate with other people as much as possible as good relationships are important for an individual’s mental wellbeing.

My Skills

I have previously worked in a residential home for adults with learning disabilities, I then moved on to work in a children’s home supporting young people with emotional needs and mental health. I think my best skill would be how positive I am. I am extremely pleased to have been given this opportunity at YPAS and am looking forward to developing my skills and knowledge.

Caitlin H

wellbeing Practitioner


She / Her

Parenting Practitioner

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Take one day at a time

My Skills

"I have worked and supported parents and families for many years in different settings both emotionally and practically.
I am trained in delivering different parenting programs such as The Incredible years and You & Me mum. I really enjoy my job and I love to empower people. "

Claire C

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Feel the fear and do it anyway

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Keep active, eat well, stay creative and keep in touch.

My Skills

My experience has been working in education supporting children and young people with additional needs and well-being. I am trained in counselling skills and now on my journey to become a parent practitioner.

Claire Wo

Associate Psychological Practitioner


LGBTQ+ Youth Worker

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Rationalise don’t catastrophise!

My Skills

I have primarily worked in secondary schools in both teaching and learning and pastoral teams, where I ran multiple school-based LGBTQ+ pupil groups. My academic background is in Human Geography and Media and have completed multiple LGBTQ+ centered research projects. I have previously worked for another charity as a LGBTQ+ sexual health outreach worker.

Danielle W

Parenting Trainee

Ella W

Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team


She / Her

Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Always take a minute to be present in nature or to read a good book and collect your thoughts.

My Skills

As a PCL I focus on the relationships I build with the young people I work with. Throughout my career life my priority has always been ensuring I build a strong rapport with young people and building them a safe environment in which they can express themselves freely without the fear of judgement.


Associate Psychological Practitioner


CYWP Trainee

Faye W

CYWP Trainee


She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Go for a walk, my favourite place is in the countryside. Taking in the different sights, sounds and smells. Listening to the birds singing, water flowing, trees rustling. The smell of freshly cut grass, flowers and fresh air. Discovering what insects, birds and animals can be found.

My Skills

"I work with young people from 5-11 in primary schools. I love using paint, glue, glitter, making junk models, slime and orbies. As well as art, I use other therapeutic techniques to help children achieve their goals which means I work integratively.
I have gained qualifications and experience in working together with parents/ carers and schools implementing strategies to help the child. I believe working together is important and provides the best support for the child in all aspects of their life. "


Wellbeing Practitioner


He / Him

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“If you can dream it, you can do it”!

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Talk to someone!

My Skills

"Young person centered approach – Wellbeing, youth work, teaching and education.

• Experience in specialist one-to-one mental health support for anxiety, low mood, panic, specific phobia and parent support programmes.

• Experience in delivering enterprise and employability programmes including the national Young Enterprise programme and B-TEC employability skills courses for NEETS.

• Outdoor education work with young people including rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing, mountain biking and SUP (Stand up Paddle Boarding), team building and other activities.

• Organizing Work Experience placements for students and Company Visit Days through networking with local and national employers. "

Jade S

She / Her

CYWP Trainee

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I have the power to create change.

My Skills

I originally came to YPAS as a social work student on placement. During this journey, I have been able to grow personally and professionally and was offered the opportunity to become a wellbeing practitioner. I offer support through 1-1 IAG sessions, I work in our open-access groups, and I am attached to the crisis drop in. I have a BA in sociology, which from the get-go has really impacted and influenced my perspective of the world and the society we live in. This is something I use in my everyday practice, and I continue to work with an open mind.


CBT Therapist Trainee

Jodie N

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You spend most of your time inside your head, make sure it’s a nice place to be

My Skills

I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and have worked and volunteered with Children and Young People for many years prior to joining YPAS. I started YPAS on the Crisis-Drop service, which allowed me to gain valuable experience working with Children and Young People experiencing difficulties and were in need of urgent information, advice and guidance. I then enrolled onto the IAPT post-graduate course within YPAS to become a Children and Young Persons Wellbeing Practitioner. I am currently training in early interventions for presentations of Anxiety, Depression and Phobias.


CYWP Trainee


He / Him

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Enjoy the little things, stay active, be kind and look after yourself.

My Skills

I am a trainee CYWP providing low intensity interventions such as guided self-help and therapeutic activities for children and young people with presenting problems such as anxiety, low mood, sleep problems and phobias. By creating a safe environment to communicate and share, children and young can open up about their problems they are having, talk about the impacts and then together introduce tools to help cope and manage these.


She / Her

CYWP Trainee

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

My moods help me! My courage helps me! My thoughts help me!

My Skills

"I am currently finishing my Masters degree in Youth Work and Community Development at Liverpool Hope University. I completed my first Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Lancaster University. I did a research of youth offending and rehabilitation during my masters.
Before working at YPAS, I participated in art and creative activities and community events as a Youth and Community development student at Pagoda Arts.
In South Korea, I had been involved in career counselling for university students and providing advice on choosing the course of University for college students."


She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Everything you are looking for you can find within you

My Skills

I am a Children and Young People’s Wellbeing Practitioner with a background in psychology. I work within school Wellbeing Clinics and in GP surgeries as part of the Primary Care Liaison team to support children and young people to reach their goals.

Kate M

CYWP Trainee


She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.

My Skills

The Mental Health Support Team supports children and families of primary school age and is a partnership service between YPAS and Alder Hey. In my role as Clinical Admin, I work closely with staff in both teams as well as schools and parents. One of my roles is to process referrals, ensuring that children and young people are seen by a service that most meets their needs. When not at YPAS I am involved in adult mental health services. I am working towards becoming a counsellor, where I can use the skills and knowledge that I have learnt to work more directly with children, young people, and families.


She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she became a butterfly

My Skills

"I am really enjoying my time at YPAS working as a Children & Young Person’s Well-being Practitioner (CYWP) Trainee. Throughout my journey so far, I have had the pleasure of helping young people and their families to understand and manage some of their difficulties; and collaborated with them to explore some evidence-based strategies which have helped to support them.
Coming from a childcare background, I understand the importance of providing opportunities for children and young people to express themselves, and this is something I have found very useful when collaborating throughout sessions.
I am looking forward to becoming a fully qualified CYWP and updating my bio once I have passed the course ?."

Laura B

Wellbeing Practitioner

Lauren Mc

Wellbeing Practitioner

Lauren P

She / Her

LD trainee

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Leave a little sparkle wherever you go

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Listen to your body and try some mindfulness

My Skills

I have an undergraduate degree in Childhood and Youth Studies, a Level 3 in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Lauren W

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Sometimes you need a storm before a rainbow can appear

My Skills

My job as a part of the PCL team gives me the opportunity to work with children and young people to improve their primary needs through promoting and advocating for positive wellbeing. My background is in Education and Young People’s mental health, and it has always been my dream to work with young people in this field.

Lauren M

She / Her

Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing.

My Skills

I am a trained Youth Worker and a qualified Children and Young Persons Wellbeing Practitioner (CYWP). I currently work as Primary Care Wellbeing Practitioner and work within the PCL service delivering low level CBT and goal-based sessions for young people. We currently work within secondary schools and GP surgeries across Liverpool and also in the hubs delivering these sessions.


LGBTQ+ Youth Worker

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

“There is power in being seen – be true to yourself.”

My Skills

My background has been working in a 1:1 and group setting, supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, helping them to find themselves and learn more about the community. I’ve spent much of my work supporting transgender young people and adults, alongside working and volunteering at my local Queer Support Hub. I believe every child, young person and adult all deserve a space to be themselves without judgement, and I strive to ensure I can give them this environment. As a transgender, queer woman myself, I hope I can give you the insight and support needed for you to be who you truly are.

Lisa D

CYWP Trainee



Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

A cup of tea makes everything better

My Skills

I started my career as a Primary School Teacher; however, I have always had a passion for working within Mental Health. In 2019, I trained as a Children and Young people’s Wellbeing Practitioner (CYWP) whereby I deliver low level Cognitive Behaviour Therapy/goal-based interventions to support a wide range of difficulties. More recently, I have completed training in a Postgraduate Diploma as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist.
I deliver sessions in YPAS’ community hubs whereby young people can communicate their difficulties in a safe environment and learn new skills and strategies to make positive changes.

Molly G

CYWP Trainee

Molly Jo

She / Her

CYWP Trainee

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

There is always a “can” in “I can’t”.

My Skills

"My background focuses on child and adolescent mental health which is evident in my bachelor’s degree. Over the last six years, I have worked alongside children, young people and their families supporting their mental health needs providing low intensity levels of support and goal-based outcomes for coping mechanisms.

My job as a Primary Care Liaison Practitioner will allow me to transfer already learned skills into practice to support the wellbeing of children and young people to provide positive outcomes for their mental wellbeing.

Phil H

Parenting Trainee

Rebecca T

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

My happy thoughts will become my reality….

My Skills

I am passionate about children’s and young people’s mental health and wellbeing; I have 14 years’ experience with children and families ranging from 0-25 years. I also have a degree in children’s and young people’s health and wellbeing that I thoroughly enjoyed gaining as it allowed me to enhance my knowledge and add to my passion for helping children and young people.


Parenting Trainee


Associate Psychological Practitioner.

Sarah B

She / Her

Wellbeing Practitioner

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud

My Skills

I am currently studying my Masters in Youth and Community Development and work as a Wellbeing Practitioner in the South Hub. My background has involved working with children with additional needs/SEN and offering 1:1 support in schools. Having studied Sociology and Politics at undergraduate level, I developed a deeper passion and motivation towards making the world a fairer place. I am creative and love experimenting with my baking skills – frequently making cakes, cupcakes and cookies for my friends and family. In addition, I am a lover of long walks and fresh air and an advocate for the mental health benefits of getting outdoors and being active.


CYWP Trainee

Sonia S

Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

I have overcome every obstacle so far, so I know I can do it again.

My Skills

After years of working in the private sector I returned to education. My degree in Early Childhood Studies and Education evoked a real passion and desire to support children and young people. I have worked in schools for over 7 years supporting those with Social, Emotional and Mental health (SEMH) and Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). I feel like my experience and passion has led me to YPAS, where I can gain more skills to provide the best support for our children and young people in schools in Liverpool.


Personal Development / Parenting Practitioner


She / Her

Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health Support Team

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Take time for yourself out of a busy day.

My Skills

I have a degree in Childhood and Youth Studies and a Masters Degree in Psychology. I have had experience working with children and young people along with their parents and family.

Peer Researchers and Mentors Team


Peer Researcher


They / Them

Peer Researcher

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

Do your best because that’s the best you can do

My Skills

I was a member of the young ambassador’s group before joining PAC. Before this I didn’t really know what I was passionate about, and this group has helped me find what I value and what I want to work towards in the future. The PAC Project has taught me so much about teamwork, communication and social action.

Claire J


Peer Mentor

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

I always look for joy and laughter in everywhere in life

Grace G

She / Her

Peer Researcher

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

My choices are like my fingerprints, they make me unique.

Grace W

She / Her

Peer Researcher

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Take things one step at a time. Do what you need to do in manageable chunks, don’t look past what you’re doing right now.

My Skills

After volunteering with YPAS as a Young Ambassador, I am continuing trying to promote young people’s right to participation within this role.


He / Him

Peer Researcher

My Favourite Positive Affirmation

‘If penguins can be gay, then so can you!’

My Skills

I first got involved with YPAS in 2020 as a service user and Young Ambassador, having a passion for LGBTQ+ issues. I participated in many different social action projects, developing my confidence and communication skills, and now have my first job as a Peer Researcher, in which I have been able to grow personally and professionally.


Peer Mentor

My Top Tip for Managing Mental Health

Even if you don’t believe it, say good things about yourself.

My Skills

Beginning my journey within youth work with Just Like Us, giving school talks to secondary school aged young people. Teaching them and the teachers more about the LGBTQ+ community. Then, I went on to do Safe Spaces with Comics Youth and found myself volunteering to many more projects that they did. I did panels, podcasts and more. Eventually, I found YPAS and Gyro, becoming a much more confident person as I progressed in the Young Ambassadors team. Building up to getting a role at YPAS, where I am now.

Charlie W

Peer Researcher