We recently asked one of our amazing students to describe their experience at YPAS.
Here’s what they had to say:
“I am 17 years old currently studying health and social care at college and aspiring to become a mental health nurse. I chose to do my work placement at YPAS as they work alongside young people struggling with their mental health and I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to do so.
When I first started at YPAS I was welcomed by all the lovely staff and I felt very comfortable. I had the opportunity to have a 1-2-1 chat with some of the practitioners which really helped my understanding of what it’s like to work with young people who struggle.
Throughout the day it gets really busy, young people come in for their appointment and come in to use the drop-in service. This shows the high demand in the mental health field which makes me more eager to work in the sector.
I have compiled 75 hours at YPAS and enjoyed every minute of it. Everyday was different and I was given lots of jobs to do, I was always busy doing something whether that was in reception doing admin work and being the first contact to the young person when they arrive or answering the phone and so much more.
I highly recommend work placement at YPAS if you are looking at getting into mental health as a future career.”
Feedback given from Ava.