YPAS Christmas Support Information 2024
YPAS is closed from 8 pm on Monday 23rd December 2024 and will re-open at 9 am on Thursday 2nd January 2025.
YPAS WISH Service will close on Monday 23rd December at 8 pm and re-open on Friday 3rd January 9:30 am – 4 pm.

ALDER HEY CAMHS – CRISIS CARE TEAM – The Crisis Care Team operates 7 days a week offering advice, consultation, and direct intervention to children/young people and their families. Telephone: 0151 293 3577 or 0808 196 3550.
SHOUT – 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and need immediate help. Text SHOUT 85258.
MERSEY CARE – Liverpool and Sefton – For urgent mental health support for anyone aged 16 and over, please call the 24/7 freephone helpline: 0800 145 6570. Halton, Knowsley, St Helens, and Warrington – For all ages – children, young people and adults. If you need urgent mental health support, please call the 24/7 freephone crisis line at 0800 051 1508.
ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY: CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE AGED 0 – 16 YEARS – If a child or young person becomes distressed or shows signs of becoming a risk to others or themselves they should be taken to A&E at Alder Hey Children’s Foundation Trust following receipt of parental/carer permission. Telephone: 0151 228 4811. This is a 24-hour service.
ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY: YOUNG PEOPLE AGED 16+ – Young people aged 16+ showing signs of distress or becoming a risk to themselves or others should be taken to A&E at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital Trust or University Hospital Aintree. This is a 24-hour service. Telephone: 0151 706 2000 for The Royal and BroadGreen hospital.
SAMARITANS– They offer a 24-hour confidential helpline. Samaritans volunteers listen in confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress, without judging or telling people what to do. Telephone: 116 123
CHILDLINE – Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Childline is free, confidential, and available any time, day or night. Telephone: 0800 1111.
PAPYRUS – HOPELINE247 is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide. – Call: 0800 068 4141 or text: 88247
GP OUT OF HOURS SERVICE – If you need urgent healthcare that cannot wait until the next working day, you can access a GP via the out-of-hours service by calling your doctor’s surgery on the usual number and following the instructions given.
NSPCC– If you have any concerns at all about a child’s safety or well-being you can contact us NSPCC helpline at [email protected] or phone 0808 800 5000.
NHS 111 – Where trained health professionals can give you health advice and information 24 hours a day, this is a medical and dental service Calling 111 will support you in accessing the nearest walk-in centers. Telephone: 111.
CITIZENS ADVICE LIVERPOOL – For a range of support including Benefit Advice, food or fuel crisis telephone: 0808 278 7840.
CA Liverpool – closes Tuesday, 24th December, at 2 pm and will re-open on the 27th, 30th, and 31st from 10 am – 4 pm. It will then be closed again until Thursday, 2nd January.
LISTENING EAR – A confidential listening service for anyone over the age of 16. The telephone number is: 0151 448 6648 and the email address for referrals is [email protected].
LIVERPOOL-BASED CHRISTMAS FOOD SUPPORT – there is a list of Liverpool-based Christmas Food Support services and resources for the Christmas and New Year period, please go to – Feedingliveprool.org
YOUNG MINDS – PARENTS HELPLINE – If you are a parent who needs support you can call the Young Minds Parents helpline on 0808 802 5544, Monday – Friday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.
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